
Modeling site selection for new culture area expansion

Green mussels are filter feeding organisms that grow optimally in estuarine and marine waters with salinities ranging from 18 to 35 ppt. As a filter feeder, it grows favorably in bodies of water with moderate to strong current.  Water flow in an estuary like Cagayan River Estuary is affected by the tides. Given these favorable salinity and water flow conditions, it is therefore possible for mussels to grow in this relatively large body of water.

This project aims to test the likelihood of growing mussels using appropriate technology in Cagayan River Estuary (CRE), which offers a good potential for supporting an industry in this part of the country. The key to this transformation is the development of a transplantation protocol to a new site like CRE, which complies with many of the requirements for a good mussel farming site.

This initiative can uplift the socio-economic conditions of poor residents in these municipalities with the right infrastructure and support systems in place. It maybe even strengthens the local tourism industry for the entire Cagayan Province.

Project Leaders

Dr. Eunice A. Layugan

Dr. Eunice A. Layugan

Cagayan State University – Aparri Campus


  • Support economic development in Cagayan
  • Transform CRE from largely unutilized body of water into a major production area for safe, and highly quality mussels
  • Generate new livelihood

Target Beneficiaries

  • Mussel Industry
  • Private Financial Institutions
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Mussel Farmers
  • Researchers
  • Extension Workers


  • Cagayan River Estuary